Friday, August 9, 2013

Life Story of George Burton June 1837

Life Story of George Burton June 1837
written by his granddaughter, Ruth Burton Pierce
(submitted to this blog by Kathryn Burton Castleton a great-great granddaughter of George and Mary Ann Burton)
                                     Whalley Abbey, near to Billington, Lancashire, Great Britain.

George Burton was born 4 or 9 June 1837 at Billington, Whalley Lancashire, England. His parents were Hannah Roberts and James Burton. We know very little of his early life in England. He had training and experience in stone masonry and construction of homes. He was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 5 May 1865  by Thomas Schofield and confirmed 7 May 1865.

George married Mary Ann Johnson, daughter of Sarah Mason and Thomas Johnson. They were married 11 June 1865 at the St. Thomas Church in the parish of Radcliffe, Lancashire, England according to the rites and ceremonies of the Established Church after banns by Robert Fletcher in the presence of Samuel Hall and Thomas Howarth as witnesses.

                                       St. Thomas Parish of Radcliffe, Lancashire, England

It has always been our understanding that grandfather was the only one of his family to join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This caused bitterness between him and his family. A strong testimony of the gospel and their faith and courage influenced our grandparents to leave the land of their birth, their loved ones and their possessions to come to Utah where they could live among the people of their own faith. This must have been a difficult decision as they knew that they would never see England or their loved ones again.

Our grandparents traveled to Liverpool where they embarked 30 June 1868 on the ship Minnesota with John Parry as the leader of the company. There were 534 people on this ship, which docked in New York. We have no first hand information on how they traveled from New York to Utah but we read that this company came by rail to Laramie, Wyoming. How they came from Laramie, we do not know but some time in the fall they arrived in the Greater Salt Lake Valley. When they registered for passage on the Minnesota, grandfather gave his age as 31 and grandmother's age was 23 and grandmother's mother, Sarah Mason Johnson, who came with them, as 58 years of age. They left a wee baby behind who had died and was buried in England.
Canada dock at Liverpool shows the horses and carriages used to travel to the docks and deliver goods to and from the shipping yards.
                                              Liverpool dock around 1840

When they arrived in Utah they settled in Bountiful, Davis County. They suffered the same hardships as all the early pioneers as they struggled to gain a foothold in a new land. We have heard that their first home was a dugout. Later, they built a house constructed of brick and rock. George and Mary Ann were the parents of four sons and two daughters. They were, in order of birth, Thomas (died as an infant) Sarah Ann, Mary Ann, George, William Johnson and Caleb Johnson Burton.
                                                       Bountiful Utah, Davis County

Grandfather's experience as a mason and a stonecutter enabled him to work in constructing homes. Many of the early homes in Bountiful he helped build, especially working on the foundations. this ability of stone cutting was put to good use later when he worked as a stone cutter on the Salt Lake City Temple. Early on Monday morning he would walk to Salt Lake City from his home in Bountiful, work all week on the Temple, then walk back to Bountiful on Saturday evening. For this work he received part of his wages in money or commodities, the other part was donated work to help erect a Temple to the Lord. Whenever we see the Salt Lake Temple we thrill with pride to know that Grandfather spent thirteen years of his life working on that beautiful building.
Portrayal of Stonemasons of the Salt Lake Temple

Stonemasons of the Salt Lake temple

Grandfather was a friend and associate of many of the early prominent men of the church. Many of their pictures were among those of his family in the family album. Grandmother Burton probably knew and loved Eliza R. Snow because her picture held a prominent place in the album.

                                                                    Eliza R. Snow

Many years ago an elderly lady told me, Ruth Burton Pierce, that she knew our grandparents very well in Bountiful. Her name was Flora Call Hatch. Her father was Chester Call an early Bishop of Bountiful and her mother was Mary Packer Call. I was happy to hear about our folks as we were especially desirous that their children observe the Word of Wisdom and that they live worthy of some day receiving the blessings and endowment of the temple. Mrs. Hatch also told me that what money our grandparents received from working they were generous in sending all they could to help others who wished to come to Zion. This money they gave willingly to the Emigration Fund and did not receive any of it back. Mrs. Hatch was a good friend and chum to Aunt Sarah Ann.

I have never seen a picture of Grandfather Burton but from reports I have heard that he was a tall man. He and Grandmother were sealed for time and all eternity 22 April 1872 in the
Endowment House in Salt Lake city.


                                                       Salt Lake City Endowment House

After working many years as a stonecutter, the dust from the stone settled in his lungs, causing him to become very ill and after much suffereing he passed away 31 March 1891 at the age of 53. He left Grandmother with five children to support.

We shall always be grateful to our Grandfather, George Burton, for his faith in accepting the Gospel, for his courage in bringing his young wife to make a home in a pioneer country where hardships were severe and for his service to his church for so many years. We shall always be proud of the heritage he left us as citizens of this wonderful country, the United States of America and for the privilege of being members of the true Church of Jesus Christ.
Ruth Burton Pierce

This is a letter written to George's brother William Burton in England. It has been preserved by William's granddaughter, Annie Burde who was kind enough to send a copy to me.
Ila Burton Mortenson

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