Thursday, August 15, 2013

Sketch of Life of George Burton Written by his wife, Mary E.R. Burton

Sketch of Life of George Burton. Written by his wife, Mary Elizabeth Ransom Burton
George Burton

George Burton was born 2 June 1876 at Bountiful, Davis County, Utah. He was the son of George Burton and Mary Ann Johnson. He was the fourth child in a family of six children, four boys and two girls. He was the oldest living son, one son, James Thomas having passed away in England before they immigrated to America.

George's parents were early immigrants from England, having come to America for the gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the year 1868.

After his father became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, his family turned against him. And from letters received from his niece, Annie Bridges, none of the family, except his sister, Margaret Jane, cared what became of him. His mother was a member of the church, having been baptized at the age of eight.

His father worked on the Salt Lake Temple for many years as a stone mason, and George has related of times when he took his father's lunch to him and played with other boys around the temple grounds.

There were two sisters older than he, Sarah Ann and Mary Ann, both born in America. In the following years two more boys came to bless the little family. In order of birth they were William Johnson and Caleb Johnson Burton.

George was baptized 17 June, 1883 by Anson V. Call and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by David O. Willey 17 June 1883.

When George was a bout sixteen years of age his father passed away leaving a wife and family and he at an early age left home and took up the work of caring for sheep to help support the family. He had attended district school and was a very good student. He was ordained in the priesthood to the office of a deacon by Chester Call.
A sheepherder with his horse, dog and flock, 1906. Wyoming Tales and Trails.
Sheepherder 1900
He was taught to pray by his parents and if he prayed in faith his prayers would be answered and he has told me of an incident that happened when he was a young boy. His father had given him a horse which he valued very much. One night he put it in a small alfalfa pasture for the night. In the morning he went for his horse and couldn't find it anywhere. After walking over the area several times he knelt down and prayed to his Father in Heaven for help in locating his horse. On arising to his feet there stood the horse a short distance from him. That and other such incidents gave him a strong testimony and strengthened his belief in prayer.

Alfalfa Pasture
alfalfa field
About the year 1894 or 1895 he took the job of caring for Hyrum Stewart's sheep, came north into Idaho, going on the desert down at Kelton, Utah in the winter and returning to Idaho in the spring, where it was much cooler and the feed for sheep was better.
Dedication of the Salt LakeTemple
On the 6th of April 1893 George attended the dedication of the Salt Lake Temple and often told of hearing the angles singing, Hosanna, Hosanna. He said that the heavens just rang with their singing. It was a great thrill to him.
George and Mary Elizabeth Ransom Burton

In the spring of 1898 George and I became acquainted and after a courtship of six months were married the 13 of October 1898 in the courthouse in Salt Lake City and later solemnized in the Salt Lake Temple.

 About a year after our marriage, Will (William) and Caleb, his two brothers came to live with us. Their mother passed away in the spring of 1898 and they made their home with us until they were married.
William Johnson Burton
Caleb Johnson Burton

George and I were the parents of a large family, six boys and seven girls. In the order of their birth they are Ethel, George R., Mary, James R., William R., Vera, Orella, Runlon R., Mildred, Elvina, Willis R., Lincoln R., and Delma. Three of these children passed away early in life.
James R. Burton, Lincoln Burton, Willis Burton, Rulon Burton, George Burton, Vera Burton McKay, Ethel B. Kroph, Elvira B. Beakstead, Mildred Burton.
About three years after our marriage, on the 6 July 1901, George was ordained an Elder by Chester Call at Chesterfield Idaho. Then on the 21 August 1901 we went to the Salt Lake Temple and were sealed as man and wife for time and all eternity. He was ordained a Seventy in August 1908 by Seymour Young.

George held many positions in the Cleveland LDS Ward, Cleveland, ID. He was a ward teacher for many years and would travel on horseback to do his teaching, riding a distance of about twenty miles winter and summer. Many times he has left home before daylight to attend Priesthood meeting at Grace, Idaho and wouldn't get back until after dark at night, as the only way he had of traveling was with horse and buggy or horseback and Grace was twenty-five miles from his home. He also served as a Sunday School teacher and President of the YMMIA in the Cleveland, Idaho ward.
Orson F. Whitney
Orson F. Whitney member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles from 1906 until his death.
When the Wilson Ward was organized on the Divide, he was chosen as second counselor to Bishop James A. Ransom. George was ordained a high priest and set apart as second counselor in the bishopric by Orson F. Whitney on 20 August 1916.

I have heard him relate many times of a dream he had. He said that a person came to him and said, "I am the original George Burton." George said it wasn't his father nor any one he knew in this life. Also  the individual wrote something in the sand or dust with his finger. It was so plain that George thought he could remember it but getting busy with his work, it slipped from his mind and he could not recall what had been written.

Besides being a kind and loving husband and father to his family he was always ready to help others. I can remember many times he has been called out in the night to go to the store which was about five miles away for something for the sick. Also, he has been called out many, many times to administer to the sick. Although he had to go on a horse as there were no cars in those days, the distance was never too far nor the weather too bad that he did not go whenever he was called. He was well thought of and revered by all who knew him.

Two of his sons and one daughter have fulfilled missions for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Also, twelve of his grandchildren have and are fulfilling missions.

His son, Willis R., is now serving as first counselor in the Oneida Stake Presidency. Many of the others are holding important positions in the Church.

He has a posterity of ten living children, five boys and five girls, forty grandchildren and sixty-five great-grandchildren to love and cherish his memory.
George Burton

George was accidentally killed by a horse on 4 March 1944 while on the desert working with Foss and Mecham sheep company. Funeral services were held 9 March 1944 in the Cleveland Ward chapel, Cleveland, Idaho. Burial was in the Cleveland Cemetery beside the three of his children who preceded him in death.

August 17, 1962

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